• Diagnostic Entry

    Assessment of a learner’s current knowledge and ability to demonstrate a skill prior to beginning learning.

  • Clear Learning Objectives

    Key performance metrics that a learner is aware of that they will be measured on during and post learning.

  • Practice Engagement

    Practice that is interactive and responsive to a learner’s demonstration of knowledge and/or skill.

  • Continued Practice

    Practice that is continued and tailored per learner that can vary in both time and number of attempts to reach or exceed a passing standard.

  • Minimum Passing Standard

    A clearly defined standard for knowledge and/or skill that learners need to demonstrate for proficiency.

  • Deliberate Practice

    Activities specifically designed to improve a learner’s current level of performance with objected and directed feedback on how to do so.


  • Manikin Fidelity

    Manikins that are anatomically similar to real-world application of skills and responsive to learner performance.

  • Team Training

    Learning that provides opportunity for teamwork and the interaction of roles in a simulated environment.

  • Experiential (Emotion)

    Learning environment that is reflective of the stress and emotion involved during the real-world application of knowledge and/or skills.

  • Real-world Relevance

    Learning that is applicable to an individual’s scope of practice, including environment, emotion, and use of skill.

  • In-Situ Training

    Training that occurs in an environment or space where the real-life application of a skill would occur.


  • Foundation of Knowledge

    Establishing a foundation of knowledge for learners to enter a low-dose, high-frequency model for effective recall of knowledge.

  • Low-Dose

    Learning provided in smaller, chunked doses.

  • Repetition

    Learning provided in repeated doses over a prolonged period of time.

  • Refresher/Booster Learning

    Opportunities of recall for knowledge and skill that are structured around a learner’s foundation of knowledge.


  • Performance Data

    Data on performance that is delivered from an objective method, such as a feedback device or high-fidelity manikin.

  • Comparison to Standard

    Feedback that is compared to a defined passing rate that identifies a level of proficiency for learners that they need to achieve.

  • Real-time Feedback

    Feedback that is delivered during a learner’s demonstration of knowledge and/or a skill.

  • Actionable Information

    Feedback that is targeted towards a learner’s needed area of growth with clear language on how to improve.

  • Positive Reinforcement

    Feedback that validates a learner’s correct demonstration of knowledge and/or skills with positive language.

  • Audio Feedback

    Real-time feedback that is delivered in an auditory format during the learner’s demonstration of a skill.

  • Visual Feedback

    Real-time feedback that is delivered in a visual format during the learner’s demonstration of a skill.


  • Prebriefing

    A briefing with learners prior to a learning event that promotes psychological safety and learner awareness of gaps in knowledge and/or skill.

  • Compared to a Standard

    Debrief that provides an overall comparison to a defined passing rate that identifies a level of proficiency for learners that they need to achieve.

  • Performance Data

    Debrief includes data on performance, including performance data that was delivered in the form of feedback during the learning event.

  • Content-Specific

    Evaluation of overall learner performance that provides a breakdown by specific areas of content, such as performance metrics, that are aligned with learning objectives.

  • Immediate Timing

    Debrief is provided to learners immediately post the learning event.

  • Reflective Evaluation

    Debrief allows for learner engagement, including self-evaluation and reflection on actions taken during the learning event.

  • Manageable Cognitive Load

    Evaluation of overall learner performance is delivered in a format that is clear, concise and organized for learners to easily identify and understand their current levels of proficiency and areas of needed improvement.

  • Positive Reinforcement

    Debrief that includes information validating a learner’s correct demonstration of knowledge and/or skills with positive language.

  • Methods for Improvement

    Language in the debrief that is targeted towards a learner’s needed area of growth with clear language on how to improve.


  • Low-stakes Assessment

    An assessment of learner knowledge and/or skill that does not require a passing rate as a course completion requirement.

  • High-stakes Assessment

    An assessment of learner knowledge and/or skill that does require a passing rate as a course completion requirement.

  • Clinical Knowledge Assessment

    An assessment of learner cognitive knowledge in the domain of clinical content.

  • Technical Skills Assessment

    An assessment of a learner’s ability to demonstrate technical skills, such as CPR.

  • Non-Technical Skills Assessment

    An assessment of a learner’s ability to demonstrate non-technical skills, such as team dynamics and communication.

  • Longitudinal Design

    A continued assessment of a learner’s knowledge and/or ability to demonstrate a skill during the learning process or over a period of time vs one assessment at the conclusion of a course.

  • Contextualization

    Assessment includes characteristics that are reflective of a learner’s real-world application of knowledge and/or skill, including environment, emotion, and relevancy.