• Low-stakes Assessment

    An assessment of learner knowledge and/or skill that does not require a passing rate as a course completion requirement.

  • High-stakes Assessment

    An assessment of learner knowledge and/or skill that does require a passing rate as a course completion requirement.

  • Clinical Knowledge Assessment

    An assessment of learner cognitive knowledge in the domain of clinical content.

  • Technical Skills Assessment

    An assessment of a learner’s ability to demonstrate technical skills, such as CPR.

  • Non-Technical Skills Assessment

    An assessment of a learner’s ability to demonstrate non-technical skills, such as team dynamics and communication.

  • Longitudinal Design

    A continued assessment of a learner’s knowledge and/or ability to demonstrate a skill during the learning process or over a period of time vs one assessment at the conclusion of a course.

  • Contextualization

    Assessment includes characteristics that are reflective of a learner’s real-world application of knowledge and/or skill, including environment, emotion, and relevancy.

— Assessment Research —

Resuscitation Education Science: Educational Strategies to Improve Outcomes From Cardiac Arrest: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association

In order to increase educational efficiency in Utstein’s Formula of Survival, instructional design enhancements for CPR training have been identified to increase educational outcomes, patient outcomes, and survival after cardiac ...