Debriefing, Deliberate Practice, Mastery Learning
Improving training before, monitoring CPR quality during, and debriefing participants after resuscitation events has the potential to improve the quality of care delivered to cardiac ...
Contextual Learning, Debriefing, International
The Use of High-Fidelity Manikins for Advanced Life Support Training – A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Level of physical and emotional fidelity should relate to specific learning goals, matching the objectives for skill performance.
Guidelines: The Do’s, Don’ts and Don’t Knows of Feedback for Clinical Education
Helpful feedback provides an awareness of skill level, guides performance improvement and is not a one-size fits all solution.
Deliberate Practice, Mastery Learning
Retention of Pediatric Resuscitation Performance After a Simulation-Based Mastery Learning Session: A Multicenter Randomized Trial
Mastery-based learning resulted in 71% of providers maintaining mastery-performance at 4 months.
Criteria for Good Assessment: Consensus Statement and Recommendations from the Ottawa 2010 Conference
Criteria for good assessment include validity, consistency, equivalence, feasibility and drives future learning forward.
Low-Dose, High-Frequency CPR Training Improves Skill Retention of In-Hospital Pediatric Providers
Low-dose, high-frequency training sessions (or “booster” sessions) more than doubled providers’ retention of high-quality CPR skills.
Low Dose, High Frequency, RQI-Based
Implementation of a Low-Dose, High-Frequency Cardiac Resuscitation Quality Improvement Program in a Community Hospital
Feedback and debriefing are useful tools on their own, but when combined, studies have shown even more improvement in CPR Quality.
Improving In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Process and Outcomes With Performance Debriefing
The use of real-time feedback with debriefing that incorporates clinical data from an actual resuscitation event is an effective tool to improve measurement of CPR ... -
Twelve-Month Retention of CPR Skills With Automatic Correcting Verbal Feedback
Subjects who completed CPR training that included receiving automated, auditory immediate feedback for 20 or 50 min performed at the same level when receiving that ... -
Deliberate Practice, Low Dose, High Frequency
Effects of Practice on Competency in Single-Rescuer Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Brief, frequent practice on manikins with automated feedback is an effective strategy for nurses to maintain skills in single-rescuer CPR.
Rolling refresher simulation improves performance and retention of pediatric intensive care unit nurse code management
A “rolling refresher” simulation training program demonstrated significant improvement with low-dose, high frequency skills to manage a pediatric code cart with retention after initial training ... -
Effects of Monthly Practice on Nursing Students’ CPR Psychomotor Skill Performance
Brief, monthly practice sessions helped providers retain CPR psychomotor skills and improved these skills over baseline.
Low Dose, High Frequency, RQI-Based
Low Dose-High Frequency, Case Based Psychomotor CPR Training Demonstrates High Levels of Program Compliance With Good CPR Quality Metrics
Low dose-high frequency, case based psychomotor training is a feasible method to enhance CPR skill retention in the hospital.
Low Dose, High Frequency, RQI-Based
Low Dose-High Frequency, Case Based Psychomotor CPR Training Improves Compression Fraction For Patients With In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Low dose-high frequency, case based psychomotor CPR training enhanced in-hospital clinical CPR quality.
HeartCode® BLS with Voice Assisted Manikin for Teaching Nursing Students: Preliminary Results
Nursing students who completed the HeartCode® BLS program and practiced CPR on a voice assisted manikin were significantly more accurate in their ventilations, compressions, and ... -
The Effect of Instructional Method on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Skill Performance A Comparison Between Instructor-Led Basic Life Support and Computer-Based Basic Life Support With Voice-Activated Manikin
Findings suggest a computer-based learning course with voice-activated
manikins is a more effective method of training for improved CPR performance than instructor-led courses. -
International, Low Dose, High Frequency, Mastery Learning
Confidence vs Competence: Basic Life Support Skills of Health Professionals
Healthcare assistants and other support staff would benefit from more frequent resuscitation training to develop core BLS skills.
Assessment, Feedback, International
Assessing practical skills in cardiopulmonary resuscitation Discrepancy between standard visual evaluation and a mechanical feedback device
This study shows lack of agreement between human raters and the feedback device in assessing the quality of external chest compressions.
Assessment, Deliberate Practice, International
Automated Testing Combined With Automated Retraining to Improve CPR Skill Level in Emergency Nurses
Automated testing with feedback effectively detected emergency nurses who needed CPR retraining; this type of training and retesting improved skills to a predefined pass level.
International, Low Dose, High Frequency, Mastery Learning
Assessment of Longterm Impact of Formal Certified Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training Program Among Nurses
Traditional CPR training programs increase CPR knowledge and skill, but significant long-term effects could not be found. Regular and periodic recertification of CPR skills is ... -
Assessment of BLS skills: Optimizing use of instructor and manikin measures
More objective feedback on compression performance during CPR courses is needed; instructor judgment alone is insufficient. Both human examiners and learners would benefit from measurement ... -
Accuracy of instructor assessment of chest compression quality during simulated resuscitation
The use of objective and technology-based measures of chest compression quality for feedback in simulated resuscitation settings is supported.
Assessment, Feedback, International
Use of a Real-Time Training Software (Laerdal QCPR®) Compared to Instructor-Based Feedback for High-Quality Chest Compressions Acquisition in Secondary School Students: A Randomized Trial
For chest compression technical skill acquistion, in secondary school students, a training for chest compressions based on a real-time feedback software (Laerdal QCPR®) guided by ... -
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation: the science behind the hands
CPR works, but better CPR works better. High-quality CPR with effective chest compressions is the foundation of successful resuscitation. CPR that complies with AHA compression ... -
Certified basic life support instructors identify improper cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills poorly: Instructor assessments versus resuscitation manikin data
Certified BLS instructors observing students performing CPR on manikins poorly judged the adequacy of students’ CPR skills. Data captured by the manikins showed that instructors ... -
International, Mastery Learning
Self-learning basic life support: A randomised controlled trial on learning conditions
Three months after training, self-learners using a BLS kit with no facilitator demonstrated better skills retention than students who used the same BLS kit with ... -
Novice to Expert: An Exploration of How Professionals Learn
Uncovering the difference between how novices and experts learn can help shape programs and enhance the learning outcomes for novices and experts.
Effectiveness of an Adaptive Quizzing System as a Self-Regulated Study Tool to Improve Nursing Students’ Learning
The utilization of adaptive quizzing as a self-regulated learning strategy for nursing students both during and after nursing school and indicate that as students actively ... -
Adaptive and Perceptual Learning Technologies in Medical Education and Training
Adaptive learning technology can optimize learning for each individual, embed objective assessment throughout learning, and implement mastery criteria.
Adaptive Learning, International, Low Dose, High Frequency
Adaptive Spaced Education Improves Learning Efficiency: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Adaptive spaced education boosts learning efficiency, allowing students to achieve learning with substantially less effort.
Education Science Guidelines, Mastery Learning
Part 6: Resuscitation Education Science: 2020 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care
These guidelines contain recommendations for the design and delivery of resuscitation training for lay rescuers and healthcare providers. The provision of effective education is highly ... -
Adaptive Learning, International
An Exploratory Study of a Novel Adaptive e-Learning Board Review Product Helping Candidates Prepare for Certification Examinations
First-time resident/fellow and physician test takers using adaptive technology to prepare for the ABIM board certification had a significantly higher proportion of users pass on ... -
Low Dose, High Frequency, RQI-Based
Baseline Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Skill Performance of Nursing Students is Improved After One Resuscitation Quality Improvement Skill Refresher
Less than half of 467 nursing students who had previously completed a CPR instructor-led course could adequately demonstrate the skills of compressions and ventilation. After ... -
Assessment, Contextual Learning, Debriefing, Deliberate Practice, Feedback, Low Dose, High Frequency, Mastery Learning
Resuscitation Education Science: Educational Strategies to Improve Outcomes From Cardiac Arrest: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association
In order to increase educational efficiency in Utstein’s Formula of Survival, instructional design enhancements for CPR training have been identified to increase educational outcomes, patient ... -
Undergraduate nursing students’ acquisition and retention of CPR knowledge and skills
Undergraduate nursing students demonstrated a significant decay of both CPR knowledge and skill 10 weeks following CPR training.
Implement to impact cardiac arrest survival: Telephone CPR Saves Lives
If CPR can be started within 1 minute of cardiac arrest, survival can be as high as 80%. Because of this, the training and quality ... -
Low Dose, High Frequency, RQI-Based
The Effects of a Novel Quarterly Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training Program on Hospital Basic Life Support Providers’ Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Skill Performance
Inadequate education, such as CPR training once every 2 years, can lead to poor-quality CPR and ultimately low survival rates following an IHCA. Research has ... -
Low Dose, High Frequency, RQI-Based
Personalized Training Schedules for Retention and Sustainment of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Skills
The advantage of spaced practice on retention of CPR skills is well documented in literature due to the decay of knowledge and skill within weeks ... -
Low Dose, High Frequency, RQI-Based
Longitudinal effect of high frequency training on CPR performance during simulated and actual pediatric cardiac arrest
Evidence has shown that skills and knowledge in CPR begin to decay in months following courses such as Pediatric Advanced Life Support. Due to CPR ... -
International, Low Dose, High Frequency
Effect of a resuscitation quality improvement programme on outcomes from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
Achieving optimal outcomes, including survival, from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is dependent on the timeliness of pre-hospital interventions and the quality of how these interventions ... -
Deliberate Practice, Feedback, International, Low Dose, High Frequency
Deliberate practice in resuscitation training using a feedback device, and the effects of the physical characteristics of the rescuer on the acquisition and retention of cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills: Randomized clinical trial
Study demonstrates that a structured training program with deliberate practice (frequent and structured practice to improve performance) using real-time feedback improves the acquisition of CPR ... -
Deliberate Practice, Feedback, International
Effect of Audiovisual Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Feedback Device on Improving Chest Compression Quality
Study demonstrates that real-time feedback devices with auditory and visual components help physicians and nurses in improving the quality of chest compressions.
Deliberate Practice, Feedback, International, Low Dose, High Frequency
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation retention training for hospital nurses by a self-learner skills station or the traditional instructor led course: A randomised controlled trial
Study demonstrates that skills stations providing feedback are a feasible tool for required frequent retraining and retraining when compared to instructor-led formats. CPR skills performance ... -
Assessment, Contextual Learning, Low Dose, High Frequency
Simulation training to improve 9-1-1 dispatcher identification of cardiac arrest: A randomized controlled trial
Study demonstrates that repeated simulation training improves call processing skills and reduces time to T-CPR in simulated call scenarios, and may improve the recognition of ... -
Adaptive Learning, Contextual Learning, Debriefing, Deliberate Practice, Low Dose, High Frequency
Best Practices for Education and Training of Resuscitation Teams for In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Each year in the United States, approximately 292,000 adult patients suffer an in-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA) with significant variation in their survival rate. This study ... -
Feedback, International, Low Dose, High Frequency, RQI-Based
RCT comparing the clinical effectiveness of conventional instructor-facilitated cardiac compression training to technology enhanced training using high-fidelity mannequins – A pilot study
While effective chest compressions are the foundation of resuscitation efforts and significantly positively influence outcomes, the quality of compressions provided by healthcare providers is poor. ... -
Initial implementation of the resuscitation quality improvement program in emergency department of a teaching hospital in China
Globally, there is an increasing need to improve survival after cardiac arrest, with the survival rate of OHCA in China being less than 1% compared ... -
Feedback, Low Dose, High Frequency, RQI-Based
Developing competency of nursing students in cardiopulmonary resuscitation using Resuscitation Quality Improvement technology
In the United States, nearly 290,000 hospitalized patients suffer in-hospital cardiac arrest each year. The knowledge retention and ability to perform high-quality CPR is critical. ... -
Feedback, Low Dose, High Frequency, RQI-Based
Maintenance of CPR skills among nursing students trained using Resuscitation Quality Improvement program
CPR, the cornerstone of cardiac arrest management, is a competency for nurses and nursing students to master and retain. However, providers experience skills decay rapidly ... -
Low Dose, High Frequency, Mastery Learning, RQI-Based
Effects of Low-Dose, High-Frequency Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Education on Nurses’ Competency and Confidence
Despite advances in resuscitation science, cardiac arrest remains a leading cause of death in the U.S. with traditional CPR training leading to skills decay within ...